But Papa! Why? Chapter 56

Robert watched how Cora tried to put her shoe back on her foot. She stumbled down the steps of the wine bar. After the meeting at Downton, he drove them to a vineyard.

He shot forward to catch her, but she stayed on her feet. She only lost her shoe, which she quickly grabbed to put back on her foot. That last part took her a long time. Robert enjoyed the view. She swayed from left to right and the shoe went the opposite direction of her foot. Her frustration grew and he decided to help.

He had not drank that much, last night was enough alcohol for a couple of days and one of them should stay clear-headed. This was Cora’s turn to get drunk. She had been very upset when the pregnancy test was negative. He was not sure if she was upset about the negative test, or about the fact she had told him. She was still scared to disappoint him, what he did not understand. He loved her with every fibre in his body and she could not do anything wrong.

“Let me help you.” He said, while taking her hand with the shoe.

Cora looked up and smiled. “Hello, beautiful.” She lulled.

Robert was taken aback by her beauty at that moment. Her curls were escaping her updo, they gave her small face an angelic look. Her lips were still slightly red from the lipstick she had been wearing, but what struck him the most were her beautiful blue eyes. He had looked into them multiple times since he had met her, but it was as if this was the first time he truly saw how blue they were. Small dark lines run through the blue, making an intriguing design. Her rosy red cheeks made the adorable look complete. Suddenly she pressed her lips on his, her hands firmly on his buttocks. Pulling him against her body.

With the one shoe still in his hand, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her in his arms. Cora’s legs wrapped around him instantly. Robert needed all his restraint not to push her against the wall and make love to her right that second. Her slender body felt heavenly in his arms.

Cora’s lips were tracing his neck, he felt her teeth on his earlobe. His body wanted to react and rip off her clothes, but he needed to get her back to their home. Safe and sound.

With some difficulty, he got Cora in the car. She tried to stay attached to him, but once he got her arms and legs off him, she settled in the seat and before he had closed the door her eyes were closed. Robert chuckled, he had not seen Cora like this before, she was adorable being drunk. He got in on the other side and slowly drove off. From the passenger seat, he heard adorable snoring.


“Let me help you with your dress.”

Robert had helped Cora inside the house, she had leaned heavily on him. But not as she had done at the steps of the wine bar, this was a sleepy Cora, not a sexual Cora. He had loved to go on where they had left, for a moment he contemplated trying to get her in the mood again. But he decided that it was better to let her go to sleep. It had been an emotional day, he had seen the longing in her eyes when they waited for the test. He had not realised before, but she could not wait to become a mother.

Tomorrow morning they would talk about it. He wanted to talk about starting a family earlier today, but Cora had done everything she could to avoid that subject. He had played along and did not bring it up anymore.

“Lift your arms darling.”

Cora did as instructed and Robert slipped the under-dress over her head. Cora had worn a tight-fitting dress tonight and she said it looked better with a silk under-dress. He let his fingers glide over the fabric before he laid it aside. Although this dress was not meant to look beautiful, it did look amazing on her. Cora had a small figure but with just enough rounding to make her very attractive. He could see her muscles, especially in her upper arms. But her stomach was visibly trained. She tried to go swimming on a daily basis, and it had toned her body.

Quickly he handed Cora her nightshirt and some clean panties. He was not sure if she needed that, but he wanted to be sure.

Cora slipped the shirt over her head and lowered herself on the bed. She turned on her side, Robert pulled the duvet over her and kissed her goodnight. Her flowery scent was mixed with an alcoholic one. He bet that his smell yesterday evening had not been that nice. He had been properly drunk, and besides that, he never smelled as nice as Cora did.


Something tickled his nose. Robert scrunched his nose, trying to stop the tickles. He moved his hand up when the tickle did not stop. His fingers got tangled up. Cora was laying so close to him, that her hair had fallen onto his face. Softly he brushed her untamed hair aside, trying not to wake her. He still heard her soft snoring and little puffs of air. With each blow, she made a soft sound, like a soft moan. He kept still and listened to her breathing. He was lucky he thought, as he often did when he was lying next to her. Very lucky to have her in his life.

He moved his hand to Cora’s shoulder and brushed with his hand over her skin. The sleeve of her nightshirt had crept up, exposing her skin. She was waking up, he could feel it in the tension of her muscles. Carefully he pressed a kiss on her nose.

“Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?”

Cora’s response was a moan and she crawled against his chest. Her hand was between her head and his chest.

“Do you need something for your head?” He suspected that she would have a headache.

Robert felt Cora shaking her head and with her raspy sleepy voice she declined.

“Do you need something else?” He tried.

“I need you to hold me close and be quiet so we can sleep some more.”

Robert chuckled, this was the Cora he loved the most. Miss independent and knowing exactly what she wanted.

“That can be done Milady.” And he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pressed her closer against his chest.

“I cannot wait to be your lady.”

“You are my lady already, darling.”

“You know what I mean.” Answered Cora slightly annoyed.

Robert put his hand on her cheek and kissed her forehead. “I do know what you mean. Sorry my sweet.”

Cora settled against him and he felt her taking a deep breath. Was this the time he could start the conversation?

“What is bothering you?” Cora pushed herself back so she was looking into his eyes.

Robert tried to turn his gaze away, but Cora put her hand against his face. Her thumb brushed over his cheek.

“I think we should start being serious about starting our family. I know I already said it yesterday, you could stop taking the pill. Why should we wait? We both want it. I cannot wait to see you pregnant and holding our little one in your arms.”

Cora did not respond, the same as she had done yesterday in the car. So Robert continued. “When you told me yesterday that you could be pregnant, I could not be happier.”

“I should not have told you. You had to go through this disappointment for nothing.”

“Cora!” Robert said firmly. “I am your soon-to-be husband and we will go through these things together. You should never have to deal with things on your own. I am here and will never leave. Never.”

He brought his lips to hers and pressed a gentle kiss on them. “Maybe if we try hard enough we will be with the three of us on our wedding day.” He rested his hand on her abdomen.

Cora’s hand went down to his groin, which surprised him. “Let’s start practicing.” She said with a hot breath.

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