Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 12

The last weeks had been hectic. Movers had started packing up their home, and they started living out of their suitcases. Mary and Edith were both affected by the chaos in the house and Cora was stressed out because of it.

“Dear, why don’t you take the girls and sleep at your mother’s house for the next nights. It will be chaos with all the boxes.” Robert had taken Cora’s hand to stop her from flying around the house.

“I can’t, I need to know where everything is going, which box has what in it.”

“We can ask your mother or Rosamund to watch the girls, so you will have your hands free?” Robert suggested

Cora sighed, gave him a quick kiss, and said: “I will manage, just two more days and we will sleep in our new home.”


Robert closed the door behind them, Cora was holding his hand. “This is it, the last time we close this door.” He said.

“A new chapter will start, and we are going to make so many new happy memories in our new home, sweetheart. I know you are sad, you lived here for so long. I am grateful to have memories together with you here. Although I will miss the lights of the city, we will get birds in our backyard in return.”

Robert pulled her close and held her tight. He was grateful for her. She always knew what to say to comfort him.


Robert parked the car in the garage, and they walked up to the house. Robert was holding Mary’s hand; Edith had fallen asleep the moment Cora put her in the baby carrier. Her heartbeat had a magical effect on her little girl, she caressed her back, and took Robert’s free hand.

Robert opened the front door, Mary and Isis galloped into the hallway. Cora wanted to follow, but Robert stopped her. He started to pick her up.

“No, don’t do that, I will be too heavy with Edith on my chest.” Cora chuckled in a light protest.

But Robert put one hand on her shoulders and the other under her legs, and he scooped her up. He carried her over the doorstep.

Cora nuzzled her nose in his face. “I love you so much.”

Carefully Robert put her down and kissed her. “Welcome home, my darling.”


The house was turned into a palace, it had a luxurious feeling and at the same time it was incredibly cosy. The bright sitting room, with access to the garden, would become their favourite place in the house. The kitchen was attached to the enormous dining room. Cora had managed to give it a cosy feeling. They would eat in one corner of the room during normal weekdays, but when the whole family came for dinner, they could extend the table and use the whole length of the room.

On the first floor there was the master bedroom, Cora had made sure there was a two persons bath and they installed a walk-in shower. The study on this floor was Robert’s office, this way he could work from home easier. Robert wanted to make an office for Cora, but she said, she could work from the kitchen counter, or dining table, as she did for the last year.

The second floor had the bedrooms of Mary and Edith, their rooms shared a bathroom. There was only a walk-in shower, Cora could give the girls a bath in her bathroom. Mary’s room was decorated with flowers, Cora tried to give Mary as much say in what her room would look like, as was possible with a nearly 1,5-year-old. For Edith they chose a light-yellow theme, with honeybees.

On the third floor, Robert wanted to have a cinema room, but this was still in progress.

The other rooms on the different floors, had been untouched. There was a small study on the ground floor, a bedroom on the first and second floor and the small apartment above the garage. They only remodelled the bathroom in there. They hadn’t decided what to do exactly with the rooms.


Cora had cooked a wonderful dinner, Robert was putting Mary to bed. Cora was downstairs with Edith who refused to sleep. She was planning Robert’s birthday. Next month he would turn 30, and she wanted to do something special. She had bought him a present but wanted something special and she just got the best idea!

Robert came back downstairs, she shut her laptop before he could see the screen. “What are you doing?” Robert asked.

“Just some work, but I am done for the night.” I will try to get Edith to sleep.

Robert bend down to kiss her. “You weren’t working, I see it on your face.”

Cora just chuckled, picked up Edith and walked upstairs. Robert followed her very close. “Tonight, is the first night in our new bed.” His hands rested on her hips, and she felt her body react.

They both kissed Edith good night and to their relief, she fell asleep instantly. Cora closed her door and turned around. Robert was standing so close, she bumped into him.

He started kissing her neck, her body trembled. She hooked her feet around his legs and let him carry her to the bedroom. She tried to unbutton his shirt, but failed miserably at it, she wanted him so bad, her hands were trembling. She had to stop trying to take his clothes of when Robert pulled her shirt over her head. She stretched out her arms, his fingers touched her bare skin when he took of her bra. His mouth kissed every inch of her skin and when he reached her belly, he started to take off her pants. Her skin was glowing underneath his touches, his hot breath made her shiver.

Once he had taken of all her clothes and she was laying there naked in the bed, he started with his own clothes. Very slowly he started with his pants, then he started with his shirt. Cora couldn’t wait any longer, she ripped his shirt of his chest and worked on his nipples with her mouth, her hands all over his back.

They fell back on the pillows, Robert positioned himself so he could enter her, she was more than willing. Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, Robert loved the sight of it. He covered her mouth, his tongue reaching just the tip of hers, caressing her and then withdrawing. Cora pulled him back and forced him to kiss more intensely.

She pulled him even closer and moved her hips on his rhythm. Her hands moving from his hips to his back. They both reached their climax, Cora was laying half on top of Robert, her hand playing with his chest hair.

“This is the first night of the rest of our lives.” Robert whispered in her hair.

Cora raised her chin to give Robert a kiss. “We will grow old together in this house. We will see the children grow, that’s all I want.


The morning of Robert’s birthday Cora got up early to make a proper English breakfast. His present was waiting on the kitchen table. She got back up to wake up Mary and Edith. She dressed them both in cute blue dresses. Mary’s hair in two tails, and for Edith she put a bow in her hair.

She gave them both an envelope. “Girls, go wake up your daddy. Edith was already wrinkling the paper, but Mary held it in front of her, as if she was holding something very special.

With Edith on her arm and Mary in front of her, she opened their bedroom door. Robert was still asleep, she nudged Mary towards the bed. “Wake daddy up darling.”

Mary climbed on top of Robert. ” Wake up” she said with her high pitched voice.

Robert opened his eyes and tickled her. “What do you have there?” He pointed at the envelope. Mary gave it to him.

Inside was a certificate from ‘world star register UK’ Cora named a star after him. He looked at her, standing there with Edith on her arm. And he couldn’t describe how much he loved her. He held out his arms. “Darling, this gift is so precious, thank you. I will never forget our stargazing experience, although you fell asleep that night.”

Cora sat Edith down on the bed and kissed Robert. “Happy birthday, my star.”

“What do you have here.” Robert pulled Edith close and took the envelope from her hands. Inside there were two paintings, one made by Mary, and the other one was from Edith’s hands. “I will hang these in my study. Thank you.” He kissed both Edith and Mary on their heads.

“I have breakfast waiting for you, do you want to take a shower first?”

“I will put on my robe and come downstairs, maybe we can shower together after?”

Cora giggled, “Not while the girls are awake.”

Upon entering the kitchen Robert saw the box on the table. “Another present?” He gave Cora a surprised look.

“Just open it.” Cora pushed the gift his way.

Inside the box was a beautiful platinum ‘Patek Philippe Ellipse’ watch.

“Now you can admire the exact configuration of the nocturnal sky in the northern hemisphere, with the apparent movement of the stars and the phases and orbit of the moon. You always wanted a ‘Patek Philippe’ and I thought this was the best moment to give you one.”

“You are a darling. I love it, really, I love it.” He placed the watch on his arm. The navy blue, alligator square scales band, and shining case, looked amazing on him.

He sat down for his breakfast Cora had put in front of him. “When is the family coming?”

“I asked them for dinner, so we could go out to the London Zoo.”

Robert took Cora’s hand. “I love having a quiet day with just the four of us. Why not just stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet. We could both use that after the hectic last months.”

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 11

It was the morning of Cora’s 27th birthday, Robert didn’t plan something big. He wanted to go out for dinner, but Cora said she didn’t want to leave Edith, she was just 1,5 months old, so he arranged for a chef to come and cook at their house, lunch and dinner He got up from the bed, Cora was still asleep with Mary in her arms, he hadn’t noticed that she got in their bed.

Robert took a quick shower and he snuck out of the room to get her present. He made some fresh orange juice and toast. They would eat a proper breakfast later, but for now this was enough. Back in the bedroom  he heard Cora’s little snores and he didn’t want to wake her. He put down her juice and toast and laid the present on his side of the bed. He sat down on the settee and just watched this beautiful picture of his wife with his eldest daughter in her arms.

Edith had woken up and started crying, Robert rushed out the room to go get her, before she could wake up Cora. He was rocking Edith, but she was hungry. Back in the bedroom, Cora had woken up and took Edith from him to feed her.

Robert bent down: “Happy birthday, my princess.” He kissed her, and she answered back, cupping his cheek with her free hand. Mary was still fast asleep against Cora’s side. He brushed her hair and gave her a kiss to try to wake her up.

“Let her sleep darling, she had a rough night, just let her sleep.”

Robert gave her a puzzled look.

“You didn’t notice, but I have been in Mary’s room for quite some time last night, but I couldn’t get her to settle down. So, I took her into our own bed, hoping she would sleep next to me. It worked, but please let her sleep a little bit more. She will be easier to handle when she has enough sleep.”

Robert took Cora’s head in his hands. “You are an amazing mother.” He kissed her forehead. “I have a present for you, when Edith is done, you can open it.”

Cora looked at the big cardboard box on the bed. “What is it?”

“You will find out, once you open it.” He winked. He sat down on the bed next to her, and wrapped one arm around her. She snuggled against him.

“I love waking up this way. With you next to me and our two little wonders content in our bed.” She rested her head against his neck and smelled his lemony smell, that he always had after he took a shower.

Edith was finally done drinking and Robert took her from Cora’s arms. “You need both arms, to open your present” he said. Mary had woken up and was playing on the bed.

Cora got on her knees to pull the box close. She couldn’t figure out what it was by just looking at it. Excited as a little kid she opened the box. Inside there was a big black case, with golden clasps. Cora looked at Robert with her deep blue eyes wide open. “You didn’t? Darling, are you for real?” She picked up the case and Robert removed the cardboard box. She held it in her arms in disbelief.

“Come on, open it.” Robert encouraged her.

Cora was looking at a mahogany rosewood, steel-string Gibson guitar. She clasped her hands in front of her. “You are a treasure.” She slid across the bed towards Robert. She nearly crushed Edith in his arms with her embrace and kissed his whole face.

Robert’s cheeks coloured. “You really like it?”

“Of course I like it, it is amazing, darling, I wanted to have an instrument like this since I was a young girl.” She started kissing him again.

Robert shrunk back a little bit. “Darling, our little one is looking at us.” Nodding towards Mary.

“She is allowed to know how much I love you” as she ran her hand through his hair.


Robert had invited the family over; Cora had asked Maja to come too. They had a wonderful afternoon, the lunch was exquisite, and Cora couldn’t wait for dinner.

Harold and Madeleine arrived late in the afternoon.

“Harold what’s wrong? You have a weird look on your face.” Cora asked when she opened the door.

Harold took Madeleine’s hand and showed it to Cora.

“Darling brother congratulations.” Cora was looking at a beautiful engagement ring on Madeleine’s hand. She hugged Madeleine and Harold. “I want to hear everything.”

The rest of the afternoon they had talked about the engagement and when they wanted to get married.


Cora and Robert were walking in ‘Hyde Park’. Mary on her balance bike, Edith close to Cora in the sling and Robert had Isis on the leash. She was growing fast and sometimes she could be hyperactive. This was one of those days, Robert had a hard time handling her.

On the grass on the other side of the path was a squirrel. Isis ran over towards it. Robert lost his grip on the leash, and it slipped out of his hand. Isis flew across the gravel, not seeing where she was going.

“Isis, ISIS, watch out.” Robert yelled.

“Mary!!!!” Cora exclaimed when Isis ran over her. Smashing Mary with her face in the ground. Cora ran towards her. Mary was crying hysterical and there was blood on her face.

Cora scooped her up as best as she could with Edith in the sling. She took Mary’s face in her hands to see where the blood was coming from. It looked like her nose was bleeding and her lip.

People had gathered around her, while Robert still chased Isis.

Cora was offered a handkerchief to clean Mary’s face. Edith had started crying with her sister.

Mary’s nose kept bleeding and Cora tried to stop it as good as she could. In the meantime rocking her body, to calm Edith down.

Robert returned with Isis back on her leash. He picked Mary up, and started walking ,Cora following behind him, thanking the people who helped her. He stopped a taxi and said “St. Mary’s hospital”

“Robert, I don’t think we need to go the hospital, it is only a bleeding nose. Look it is stopping.”

“I want to know for sure there isn’t something broken, she made a hard tumble.”

It turned out Cora was right. There wasn’t anything broken, her lip would heal. At home Robert gave her ice-cream and cuddled her all afternoon.

That evening, in bed Cora said: “What happened, wasn’t your fault.”

Robert sighed: “In a way it was. I wasn’t holding on tight enough and I need to go on puppy training with Isis. We can’t have this behaviour.”

Cora turned on her side, rested her hand on Robert’s chest. “Don’t eat yourself up about this, Mary is fine. Accidents happen. Try to get some sleep.”

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 10

Robert started working at the office again, he had taken leave to be with Cora, Mary and Edith. He loved spending time with his family. He adored his little girls and couldn’t be prouder of his wife.

2,5 years ago, he was meant to be married to Susan. He was very lucky he met Cora before his mother could arrange that marriage. Cora made him truly happy. He felt all warm inside, just thinking about her. He looked at the picture frames on his desk. Cora in her pink dress, Cora with Mary, Cora with Edith, Cora with both her girls and Mary with Edith together.

That last picture was a hard one to make, Mary didn’t want to hold the baby and she was throwing a tantrum. Robert had promised her an ice cream if she just held Edith for a minute. Cora had been really fast with her camera, and it turned out to be an amazing picture.

Mary was having a hard time with Edith in the house. Robert and Cora hoped she would start loving her, or at least accept the fact she had a sister. For now, she was battling for attention.


Cora had just sat down with Mary to have lunch, Edith was in her crib, Cora hoped she would sleep. She made pancakes, one of Mary’s favourite foods. Mary was learning so many words. And she was having full conversation(s) with them. For Cora most of it didn’t make sense, but she was happily chatting back. Mary loved getting one on one attention and Cora gave it to her when possible.

“Mama, play, me, mama, lalala” Mary said.

“Darling, first eat your pancakes then we will play songs on the guitar.” She brushed Mary’s dark brown hair.

After cleaning up the table she sat down with Mary and the instrument. Mary listened to her mother’s singing and then tried to pluck the strings. She was too young to know what she was doing, but she loved music. Cora had bought an older guitar to use when she played with Mary.

Edith started crying in her room. Cora tried to get up, but Mary was hanging on her neck.

“Darling, mama needs to get up, your sister is crying, I am right back.” She took Mary’s little arms off of her neck and stood up. Mary instead wrapped her arms around her leg, so with every move Cora made, she dragged Mary with her.

She bent down in the crib to stroke Edith’s hair. “Are you hungry? You didn’t sleep I think.” She picked her up and laid her on her shoulder. Edith formed her body against that from Cora. Cora loved this feeling; with Mary it had been different. Mary always had a tensed back when Cora held her. With Edith it was different. But maybe the answer for that was that Cora was more relaxed this time.

In the meantime, Mary was crying at her feet. With her free hand she touched Mary’s head. “We will play some more when Edith is fed.” She freed her leg and sat down with Edith. Pulled out her breast and helped Edith latch on. Mary tried to get on her lap, she shifted Edith a bit, so that her left leg would be free. She cupped Mary’s bottom and pulled her up. Mary snuggled against Cora; her crying settled down. It was unique (that) Mary did this.

Cora was rocking the chair; Edith had fallen asleep and also Mary started to feel heavy. She could use some sleep herself. She wrapped her arms snuck around both body’s and rested her head. Before she could think about sleep, she was asleep.


Robert got home early; he had an appointment with the contractor at their new home. He found his family in Edith’s room, Cora and Mary, fast asleep in the rocking chair. He shot a picture of the scene with his phone. Edith was awake and looking around. Robert was amazed by how easy going she was. She slept through the night and during the day had her naps regularly. When he came close and Edith noticed him, she started squirming, so he carefully took her out of Cora’s arms and rocked her a little. Cora’s free arm instantly moved to Mary, but she didn’t wake.

“Do you want to come with me, darling, do you?” He brushed his nose against Edith’s cheek. “We are going to look at your new bedroom.” He wrote a note for Cora. Picked up Edith’s bag and got in the car.

He loved living in the middle of the city and seeing the city from his terrace, but now, every time he parked the car in front of their new house, he felt so much peace. It was quiet around here and so peaceful. He put Edith in her stroller and walked up to the house. It was almost finished. Today the new kitchen would be installed.

Robert stood in the kitchen, watching the guys who installed the last cupboard. It was a luxurious kitchen, with an enormous stove, Cora would be able to cook like a real chef. From the kitchen he walked into the conservatory, the walls had a light green colour. As if the garden was also inside. He opened the big sliding doors and walked into the garden. He had Edith on his arm. He pointed at every animal he saw, knowing Edith wouldn’t notice. He enjoyed his time alone with his little girl. It was the first time since she was born, that they were together.

He was talking with the contractor about the last bathroom that would be finished this week. The next project would be the room above the garage and the garages itself, but they could move in within two weeks. Robert chuckled: “moving will cost as a little bit more time, but I will let the furniture shop know, when they can deliver.

Hours had gone by, and Edith started crying. She was clearly hungry. Robert opened her bag and discovered he didn’t bring Cora’s pumped milk. He apologised to the contractor and rushed home with a crying Edith on the backseat.


Cora was pacing around the living room, Mary was playing with her toys. Where was Robert, he wrote a note he had gone out with Edith, but he didn’t say where to. She had also noticed he didn’t bring milk for Edith. Her breasts were telling her, it was time to feed for a while now. Should she just start pumping, or was Robert almost home? Edith must be very upset by now she thought.

She heard Edith’s hysterical crying before the front door opened and she rushed over. A panicked Robert stood there with Edith in his arms. She was bright red from crying. Without a word Cora took Edith from him, didn’t even sit down, and offered Edith her breast. Her little girl was eagerly latching on. She looked at Robert. :” Where have you been?”

“I wrote you a note, didn’t I?”

Cora smirked: “A very helpful one. Dearest, I took Edith with me, be back soon. You didn’t write where you went and coming back home wasn’t soon.”

“I was at the house, going over the last details for the bathroom in the extra room and what we were going to do with the studio above the garages. I thought I brought Edith’s milk, but I must have forgotten. So, when she started crying, I rushed back home. I am so sorry if I worried you.”

Cora gave Robert a quick kiss. “Don’t you worry, all is ok. Edith is drinking and I am glad you are back home. How is the new kitchen?” She sat down on the couch.

“Oh darling, it is amazing. I can’t wait to eat our first meal there. The conservatory is looking fabulous already, even without furniture. And the dining room, has a glamorous feel with that dark brown wall bordered with gold.” He sat down next to her.

Cora turned her body, so she was resting against Robert, Edith was very contently drinking in her arms. “I can’t wait to open the front door for the first time when we have moved.”

Robert stroked her neck with his fingers and planted a kiss on her collarbone. “I can’t wait to spend the first night there.” His other hand went to her waist and gave her a quick squeeze.

Cora just nestled a little bit more against him, Mary was looking at them and walked over to climb on the couch. She tried to squirm between Cora and Robert. But Robert took her and sat her next to him. “Don’t steal your mother’s place, dear.” He jokingly said.

Cora turned her head and kissed him. “I am starting dinner as soon as Edith is done. What do you want to eat tonight?”

“I would love a good Beef Wellington.”

“Darling, I need to know that earlier, there isn’t enough time to make that. Can I delight you with just bangers and mash? Or isn’t that posh enough?” She chuckled.

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 9

“Mary! Stop pulling Isis tail.” Cora corrected her. She had planned to give Robert a dog for his birthday, but this puppy was dumped and needed a home. She would find something else for his birthday later this year.

“MARY!” Mary was 14 months old now and full-on toddler. Cora got up with difficulty, and guided Isis away from Mary. Her little one looked up and put both hands in the air.

“Darling, mama can’t pick you up.” She took her hand and walked back to her chair so she could take Mary on her lap.

“We need to be gentle with Isis, she has really sharp teeth, and I don’t want her to bite you. Ok?” Cora tickled Mary and she started belly laughing.

Cora tried to give as much attention to Mary as possible, the new baby could come any day now. And her attention would go to nurse that one. The day of the birth couldn’t come soon enough for Cora.


When Robert came home, he found a laughing Mary on Cora’s lap. Isis was wagging her tail, he picked her up. Gave Cora and Mary a kiss and sat down, to play with Isis. Mary climbed down Cora’s leg to join.

Cora tried to get his attention, but Robert was laying on the floor with both Isis and Mary climbing over him and didn’t hear her. She got up and walked to the kitchen to start dinner.

Her back was hurting, and it was hard to reach the stove. Her belly was so big, she had to stretch to be able to stir. Her walking was more like a wobble. The baby had dropped and was pressing on her pelvis and hips. She couldn’t stand very long anymore; her legs were swelling up the moment she stood.

Grumbling she checked the vegetables, they needed a little longer. Cora contemplated, sitting down on a kitchen chair to give her back and legs some rest, but having to pull herself up again or just power through it. The baby moved and planted itself on her bladder. She almost wet herself.

Robert walked into the kitchen with Mary on his arm and Isis in his wake. “What’s for dinner?” He asked.

Cora was trying to set the table. As fast as she could, she turned around, smashed the utensils down and hissed. “Take a look for yourself!”

Robert gave her a puzzled look.

Cora walked out of the kitchen, she wasn’t hungry and only wanted to lay down. With some effort she lowered herself on the bed. She forgot a pillow for her legs, but she wasn’t able to get up again.


Robert had made sure Mary got her dinner, gave her a bath and put her to bed. Then he walked to the bedroom. “Sweetheart?”

“Don’t sweetheart me!”

He walked over, Cora was laying on her side, she didn’t look at him.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong? Is the baby coming?” He touched her side.

Cora swatted Robert’s hand off. “It’s bloody time that baby is coming, I am 40 weeks pregnant, and I am done. My body hurts and my husband only wants to play with his dog and daughter when he comes home.” Her eyes shot fires.

“Darling, how was I supposed to know you needed help?”

“Maybe you could take a look at me? Just look at me, you really think it is easy to care for Mary, carrying this weight around? And here you are, playing with your dog!” She looked down.

Robert was stroking Isis’s head, she had sat next to him. Robert pulled his hand back. “Sorry, I didn’t realise how hard it is for you. I can hire a nanny to take care of Mary?” That last sentence made Cora even more angry.

“Or you could just come home earlier and make dinner? So, I can sit down at the end of a long day? But no, we need a nanny!”

Robert got up and walked out. Leaving a steaming Cora.

He returned with a cup of tea and some biscuits and her nursing pillow under his arm. He helped her put the pillow under her belly and in between her legs, so her hips would align again. Then he got the other nursing pillow and moulded it to her back. He took of her slippers and socks and started rubbing her feet. He followed with her legs and moved to her back. He felt Cora sigh from relief.

“I am truly sorry; I didn’t pay attention to your needs.”


Cora sat on the couch, watching Robert help Mary build a tower out of blocks. Every afternoon he was home now. They had just finalised the plans for the new home. All rooms would be remodelled. All bathrooms would get walk in showers and the one in the master bedroom a big bathtub too. The conservatory would become the living room, she couldn’t wait to sit there on a early spring day watching Mary and this new baby play. The kitchen would get new equipment.

Furniture was something for after the birth, Cora wasn’t in the condition to go shopping. Maja came over everyday to check if she needed something. Their friendship had grown over these last months, and she was fortunate with a friend like her.

Cora moved her body to go lay down, she felt some discomfort and tried to get in a position it was easier on her body. Robert saw her struggling and got up to help her. He tucked her in with a blanket and gave her a kiss.


Cora woke up from a sharp pain, she instantly recognized it. For a second, she got scared, the memories of the pain came back. She calmed herself down and woke Robert up.

“Robert, it is time. My contractions have started.”

This time Robert knew what to do. He called Rosamund to pick up Mary and he called the midwife.

She had said, they needed to time the contractions and she would check on them in a few hours.

Robert did his best to coach Cora through the pain. He insisted on Cora eating something, he knew that later on she would have (neither) time or energy. For now, there was enough time between her contractions, and they seemed not too bad.

Her contractions started to speed up and Robert had called Sarah the midwife, again


“You are perfectly getting dilated; you are at 9 centimetres. Just a little bit longer and you can start pushing.” Sarah said.

Cora was breathing away a contraction, she felled the urge to push, but Sarah told her to wait. “Just hold it a little bit longer, if you can.”

Cora squeezed Robert’s hand to pulp but managed not to push.

Finally, Sarah gave her green light and before she knew, there was a little baby crying on her chest.

“Congratulations, another baby girl”

Cora saw a whiff of disappointment on Robert’s face, but he quickly recovered himself and said: “Welcome to the world. Edith Josephine Crawley.”

“Your sure about Josephine? That’s Mary’s middle name already”

“My grandmother was called Josephine, as was yours, so now both are represented.” He kissed Cora on her forehead.


Rosamund had brought Mary back home. Mary was looking with big brown eyes at Cora, who was feeding Edith. Robert had sat her down on the bed next to them. Mary’s little hand reached for Edith.

“This is you baby sister Edith.” Cora said in a soft voice. They had tried to prepare her. Mary had hated Isis the first day Cora had brought her home. But fell in love with the dog after a few days. Cora hoped this would go easier.

Mary, scooted closer to Cora. She wrapped her free arm around Mary and pulled her close. “Now you are a big sister.” She smiled.

Edith started crying when she lost Cora’s nipple. It startled Mary and her hand slapped Edith’s leg. “Mary!” Cora exclaimed.

“No.” It was the only word Mary said, besides papa and mama. Again, a firm “NO” she crawled over to her father and stretched out her arms. She pointed at Edith and said again: “NO”

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 8

“Robert, can you come and help me?” Cora called out. She was sitting in the bathtub, but she couldn’t get herself up.

Robert zoomed around the corner. :” What can I do?” But when he asked the question, he saw the problem. Cora was using a chair to lift herself up these days, but the chair wasn’t near the bath. He offered her his hand, gave her a big towel, and brushed his hand over her growing belly. She was almost 7 months pregnant, and the baby was weighing heavily on her muscles already.

“Are you all packed for Brussels?” he asked. Tomorrow morning, they would take the Eurostar. Cora was to far along to fly comfortably. In the train she could walk around when needed.

“I am, Rosamund is coming in an hour to pick up Mary, I need to go to the office to get the folders for Rotterdam.”

“I can do that, just tell me where they are.”

Cora had stepped out of the tub and leaned her body against Robert’s. She kisses the tip of his nose. “Come with me, we can go directly to that open house?”

Robert almost forgot they were going to look for a house today. They lived a pretty comfortable life here in this penthouse, but there wasn’t enough room with another baby on the way. He had found a beautiful home in the neighbourhood of Richmond.


Robert parked the car in front of the house. The estate agent was waiting for them. The house had 4 floors, she explained once inside. On the ground floor a spacious kitchen and a reception space. From the kitchen you walked into the conservatory that opened up to an enormous garden. On the first floor two bedrooms with an ensuite bathrooms and a study. The second floor had 3 more bedrooms, one of them had an ensuite bathroom, the other two shared a bathroom. On the fourth floor was space for another study or cinema room. There was a double garage with a studio room above with an ensuite shower room.

They had entered in the hallway, with a spiral staircase. “From the top down, it was magnificent,” Maja the estate agent said.

Cora climbed the first flight of stairs. She breathed heavily. “This will be good for our health.” She joked. “Robert, you can go on and see the rest of the floors, I believe you when you say they are good. ” She rested her hand on her belly, with the other she steadied herself against the wall.

Maja, offered her a chair. “How far along are you? If I may ask.”

“7 months now.” Cora caressed her belly, the little one was moving a lot today, she could feel it was getting less space to really move around.

“How wonderful, I just learned this morning, I am pregnant myself and can’t wait to see my belly grow. Oh, I am sorry, I am oversharing.”

Cora chuckled: “Don’t worry, of course you want to share this wonderful news, congratulations. I guess it is your first?”

“Ladies, I will do the rest of the house showing on my own, you two can babble all you want.”

Maja, turned around. “Sorry sir, no I will walk with you and show you the house.”

Robert laid his hand on her shoulder and winked: “I know how you pregnant ladies can be, I can go and see the rest on my own.”

Robert had sensed that there was an instant connection between them two and he thought, maybe Cora would find a friend in her. She could use a friend, Cora only had Rosamund and some friends, who were not worthy of the name friend.

Cora and Maja had gone down and chatted some more, while Robert explored the house.

“When do you need to know if we want it?” Robert asked when he came back in the living room.

“Well, there are more viewings this week, at this moment there isn’t an offer on the table, but that can change in a day.” Maja answered.

“What was the asking price again?”


Robert looked over at Cora. “What do you think, can you see yourself living here? Mary running around in the garden, and you watching from the conservatory with the baby in your arms?”

“I think you can see us living here already, darling, but isn’t this a little bit to big?”

“I you are up to it, this one will not be our last one.” He turned around to Maja and said: “My offer is £2.000.000 cash! We will be back in eleven days, tell the owner, whatever offer they will get I give at least £25.000 more.”


The events in Brussels went smooth, Cora took all the pictures needed, she had been so proud of Robert. All his clients seemed to love him, and the company was becoming world famous.

They had taken the morning train to Rotterdam. Cora only needed that afternoon for the pictures of the office there. She said she would make some more scenic photos in the city the next days.

Robert had filled the spacious whirlpool, and now they were enjoying the warmth of the water together. Cora used Robert as a backrest, and he was lazily massaging her shoulders and arms.

“What do you want to do tomorrow?” Cora asked.

“We can take a water taxi and go see the harbour?”

“Darling, I don’t think that is really a good idea, did you see how fast they are going, jumping over the water? You really see me inside that, in my condition?” She smirked.

“How stupid of me, that’s indeed a bad idea.” He apologised.


The 6 days in Rotterdam went by so incredibly fast, they had enjoyed the ‘Markthal’ an indoor market, with all kinds of Dutch foods, like ‘poffertjes’ Dutch small pancakes, and ‘kroketten’. They walked over the beautiful bridges, the shopping street under ground level. Went to the city of Dordrecht on the same day as they had visited ‘Kinderdijk’. It was a lovely old Dutch city, especially in comparison to the new and modern Rotterdam.

Robert had said, it looked like Manhattan. Cora laughed and said that it was the nickname of the city: Manhattan aan de Maas. The city was located at the river the Maas. She read that the modernisation was because of WWII when almost the whole city was burned during a bombing. Just a few older buildings were left, like the old harbour. A small and cosy place.


“Robert thank you for this holiday, we missed out on a lot the last time we’ve been here. I love that painting in Mary’s room even more, now I have seen the windmills in real life.”

Just before they left for the train. Robert got a phone call. Robert smiled at Cora: “Congratulations Mrs. Crawley, on your new home.”

If Cora could have jumped in his arms, she would have. For now, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. He tried to twirl her around, but it was a clumsy turn.

“We will need to do a lot of renovation work, but I think that within a year we can move. First we will wait for the arrival of this little one.” Robert bent down to kiss Cora’s belly.

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 7

Yesterday they have heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. It was one of the best sounds in the world, Robert thought. Afterwards they had paid Martha a visit, to tell her the news.

Martha was happy for Cora and Robert, but true to her nature, she wasn’t excited about it. Her mother was never excited about something, that was something she had in common with his own mother. Violet always said: one must ration one’s excitement.

Harold had been his calm self but was truly happy for his little sister.

His own mother had only said that it was quite soon. Robert was glad he had told Rosamund before; she was full filled with the joy of becoming an auntie again. She had bought the first romper already.

Because in her book, she was there to spoil Robert’s children. She wasn’t able to get children herself. She and Marmaduke had tried, he knew, but unfortunately, they were never blessed with a little one.

Some days when he was playing with Mary and daydreaming about the new baby, he felt guilty. But Rosamund had made it very clear, she was happy for him. She said: My little brother will bring the children in my life.


Robert followed the slight curve of Cora’s abdomen with his finger. It was just a small bump. Cora was 3 months pregnant, and the first trimester has gone smooth. Besides her morning sickness, but it wasn’t too bad Cora had said so herself.

Cora laid her hand on his, still sleepy: “Good morning, it is way too early to feel something.” Her voice sounded groggy.

“I know, I was just admiring how amazing a women’s body is. Just look at you. Your skin has that special glow, your breasts are already getting firmer, and inside here” He kissed her belly “Is a little human being growing, who will present itself in about 6 months.” Robert rested his head on Cora’s chest.


Cora had one hand on Robert’s head and was playing with his hair. She knew Mary would soon wake up. She wondered when Mary would notice something was about to change. Mary was 10 months old, so with any luck the new baby introduction would go easy.

“Robert what are we going to do for Mary’s first birthday?”

“Hmmm, I haven’t really thought about that. What can you do for a one-year-old?”

“We could arrange a cake smash, and invite your mother, Rosamund and Marmaduke? My mother with Harold and his new girlfriend. Oh, what is her name already” Cora sighed annoyed, she was forgetting so much.

“Madeleine, Madeleine Allsopp.” Mary had woken up and was crying. “I will go” Robert said.


“Cora, I will need four days in Brussels for the opening, but I don’t know how many days you need for the photos in Brussels and Rotterdam?” Robert had walked in Cora’s office.

“I think for Brussels I just need one day, only the opening night and for Rotterdam within a day I can have the pictures taken, the office isn’t that big right?”

“I will book 5 nights at the ‘Juliana Hotel’ in Brussels and 6 nights at the ‘Mainport hotel’ in Rotterdam, they have the spa suite available and this way we can have a little holiday.”

“As if we never go on holiday?” Cora laughed.

“Technically, all our trips recently were business trips.”

“The extra nights in Barcelona weren’t. But you are not hearing a complaint from me. Can we please take Mary with us? We have never been on a holiday with her, and I want to have that experience before the baby is born.”

“The opening in Brussels will be in 4 months, I don’t think it is a good idea to bring Mary.” He saw Cora’s face change. “You will be 7 months pregnant, the trip itself will be exhausting enough for you. You know what, we will go for a little break with Mary for her birthday. You pick the place.”

Cora’s face lit up. “Thank you, darling.”

Cora started searching and ended up booking. ‘Gleneagles’ in Scotland.


It was the morning of Mary’s birthday. Cora had decorated the house with balloons. Mary’s face had lit up when Robert got her out of her room. She was dressed in a yellow dress and her hair was put up in two pigtails with yellow bows. Before it was eleven o’clock, Cora had already taken dozens of photos.

They had laid out a plastic sheet and in the middle, there was a giant cake. Violet, Rosamund, Marmaduke, Martha, Harold and Madeleine had all arrived on time. First Mary got to open her presents. She was extremely spoiled with all the gifts. But as normal for a toddler, she was more interested in the paper wrapping.

Robert had sat Mary down in front of the cake, and they all cheered her on to dive in the cake. Or at least touch it. But Mary was only looking at it. Cora was squatting next to her to make the perfect pictures.

Robert took Mary’s hands and he pushed them in the cake, they all laughed, until Mary started to scream. She was flapping her hands around, clearly hating the cake on them. Quickly Cora scooted her up and rushed to the kitchen to clean her hands. Meanwhile speaking in a soft voice to calm Mary down, but she wasn’t having any of it, and throwing a tantrum.

“Robert! Can you come and help” Cora yelled back to the living room. She was only 5,5 months pregnant, but Mary was getting quite heavy.

Robert took Mary out of her arms and started dancing around with her, while singing silly songs. He was bouncing up and down and it did the trick.


Cora got back in the living room apologising, she started to clean up, but Rosamund took her by the shoulders. “I will do that, just sit down”. The only one with a look of disapproval on her face was Violet, but Cora just ignored it.

The rest of the afternoon had gone better, Mary was being entertained by Harold and Madeleine.

She was a nice woman, Cora thought, this was the fourth time she met her. Harold had really brightened up since he was with Madeleine. Cora was happy for him.


Cora had taken the next day off to pack their bags, tomorrow they would fly to Scotland for four days. Gleneagles had special family rooms and they promised to bring out the wooden cars and a Ferris-wheel toys.

When Robert returned home, Mary came crawling towards the door. Just before she reached Robert, she stopped and got up, since a few weeks she was standing alone. Robert crouched and spread his arms, encouraging her to take a step. And she did! She took two steps, before falling over. Robert exclaimed in excitement: “Cora! Cora where are you? Cora, Mary took her first steps. Cora?” He took Mary in his arms. Cora wasn’t in the kitchen, not in the bedroom, he checked the bathroom. Where could she be, she never left Mary alone.

He walked in the living room and saw a dark figure on the ground outside on the terrace. He rushed outside, to find Cora sitting on the floor with a bird in her hands, crying. He put Mary in her playpen back inside and got next to Cora, pulling her close.

“Darling, what happened?”

Cora sniffed: “This little one…… didn’t see our window……  and it smashed into it.” Tears were dripping on the bird.

“Can I take a look?” He took the bird in his hands and felt that it was cold. Clearly it was dead for a while now. Why did this upset Cora so much. “Darling, I will bury him in the park, but come inside.” He helped her of the ground.

Back inside, Cora brushed her tears away: “Sorry Robert, I don’t know why I reacted this emotional. I am sorry.”

“Darling, don’t worry, your hormones are all over the place, but that’s quite normal.” He decided not to say, Mary had been out of her playpen, it would only upset her. When Cora had been pregnant with Mary, she was forgetting little things, but this time, it was even worse. The doctor had said that it was totally normal, and would go away once the baby was born, he called it pregnancy dementia.

He took Mary out of her playpen and placed her, just out of reach, in front of Cora. “Just wait, darling.”

Mary was standing on her little feet, a little bit wobbly, but took a step towards Cora. She almost screamed. “Robert! She is walking.”


Gleneagles turned out to be a very luxurious hotel in Auchterarder. It was a really good idea of Cora to go away with just them three. Mary was soaking up all the attention she was getting. Although she was little, she was quite a diva. She hated to get her hands dirty. Robert had suggested to go to a petting farm, but Mary had screamed so loud, they had hurried back to the rental car.

Robert enjoyed seeing Cora on the swing with Mary in her lap. He was amazed how Cora was handling it. Her bump was clearly visible, but she did everything with Mary. He noticed that lifting her up was getting harder and he tried to be faster once he noticed Mary needed to be picked up.

At night he fell asleep with his hand on her belly, the baby was very active at night, and he loved the little kicks he could feel. Cora was sometimes complaining that her hips felt like goalposts, but she always had a blissful smile on her face when she said it.


Cora had scooted over to Robert, who was laying on his side, and had her hand on his chest. “Good morning, my darling, our last day here.” while she pressed her body against his. “Mary is still asleep in the other room.” Robert didn’t need any more encouraging.

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 6

Cora was editing the photos of the Barcelona’s event. She was reminiscing. Robert had booked some extra nights, and they had the most wonderful time together. Not working, just being together. They hadn’t left the room much and explored every corner of the suite.

“A penny for your thoughts.” Rosamund said.

Cora smiled: “You don’t want to know them.” Her cheeks colored.

Rosamund chuckled: “Never mind me asking, how are you feeling.” She lowered her gaze to Cora’s stomach.

“He wasn’t supposed to tell anybody.” Cora sighed. But besides the morning sickness I am feeling fine.” They had decided to not tell before the 12-week scan, but Robert told everything to his sister, so Cora wasn’t surprised.

“How are the pictures, can we use them?”

“You want to see them?” Cora asked and got up so Rosamund could sit down. She realised to late that Robert’s photos were still in that folder.

Rosamund had reached the part with just Robert and burst out laughing: “Well no wonder you are pregnant!”

Cora touched her belly, there wasn’t any sign of pregnancy yet.


Robert had been on cloud nine since they returned from Barcelona and the doctor confirmed Cora’s pregnancy. He was glad that Cora had switched to formula feeding just before Barcelona. It was a lot easier, but especially now, her body needed all the nutrition for the new baby.

He was daydreaming of having a baby boy in his arms, when Violet stepped in his office.

“Barcelona had been a success, I heard from Rosamund. Well done.” She started. “I just got a phone call from a business partner in Brussels, and they would love for us to open an office there. Maybe you can look into it?”

“Of course, mama, send me the details I will do it immediately.”

It kept him busy for the rest of the afternoon, he only stopped when Cora stepped in to say she was going home. She showed him the pictures they were going to use. She was standing next to him, he could smell her perfume, it was hard not to pull her on his lap.

“This folder is especially for you.” She leaned over to grab the mouse. She opened the folder with his pictures, turned her face and kissed Robert. “Maybe only look at the last pictures when you are home.” She said with a cheeky smile and walked off.

Robert stared at the screen, what was he supposed to do now, he needed to know what was so special, the first pictures were close-up pictures from him. Cora had a really good eye for photos. He scrolled and stopped immediately, got up from his chair and closed his office door.

There she was, his beautiful wife, standing in front of the camera. She was wearing the pink dress, that he bought her for Barcelona. The next picture was with her dress draped around her ankles. She was wearing black lace underwear. In the next one her bra was laying next to the dress and her hands on her breasts.

He took a deep breath before scrolling to the next. Cora’s slip was now laying on the ground. She was covering her body with her arms and hands. For the next picture, she was sitting down, leaning forwards, her arms just in front of her upper body, and her legs crossed. She had made sure there was enough for his imagination.

He opened his phone and texted: Can not wait to go home.

It was really hard to focus on his work. He decided to print out the first picture, he had an empty frame in one of the closets, that picture would fit in perfectly. He put it right next to the one where Cora had just given birth to Mary.

A knock on his door. Rosamund opened it: “I am going home, don’t you forget to go home to? It is almost five o’clock.”

“Thank you, I am closing off. See you tomorrow.” Robert turned off the computer and went home. He had downloaded her pictures to his phone and was looking at them during the taxi drive home. He couldn’t wait to see his wife.


Dinner was ready and waiting on a low heat for Robert to come home. Cora had sat down on the floor in the living room. She was playing on the guitar. Mary was sitting in front of her, trying to grab the instrument, Cora let it happen. Mary’s little fingers were plucking the strings when Robert got home. Cora was humming a song to Mary, while the guitar made some noises under Mary’s hands. It was an adorable scene Robert thought.

He walked into the living room, kissed Cora and picked up Mary.

“Hello darling, you are a fast learner already, making music with your mama.” He gave Cora his most tender look. He threw Mary in the air, and she was screaming from joy. “What’s for dinner.” Robert said, twirling Mary around

“Nothing special, just a Shepherd’s Pie.”

Robert sat Mary down in her highchair. “We got the opportunity to open an office in Brussels. There is already an office space available, and if we work hard, we can open it in about three to four months.”

“Darling, that’s exciting. The business is really growing fast. Today I got an email from Jan. The office in Rotterdam needs new pictures for their website, maybe we can combine a trip to Brussels and Rotterdam?” Cora was feeding Mary her dinner. She had cooked vegetables for her, mashed together. Mary was loving the real food. She only got 3 bottles of formula milk a day.

“Don’t let your own food cool off, sweetheart.” Robert noted.


Robert was putting Mary to bed, while Cora cleaned the kitchen. She could hear him sing a lullaby to Mary. He had a wonderful voice.

Tis the gift to be simple, ‘tis the gift to be free,
‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain’d,
To bow and to bend we will not be asham’d,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.

Cora walked over and was standing in the doorway, watching Robert sing to Mary. Her heart filled with love. She was truly the luckiest woman on earth. Having a loving husband, a sweet daughter and another baby on the way.

When Mary was asleep, Robert had walked out with his arm around Cora’s waist. “Do you want to play a game tonight.” Cora had asked.

“Always” and his eyes twinkled.

“Not that kind of a game, honey.”

“Oh.” Robert lowered his eyes. “Why did you show me those pictures then?”

“You can have me tonight.” Cora smirked, “But for now I meant a board game.”

Robert had mocked a little, but he loved playing board games. “The winner gets to decide what we are doing tonight?”

Cora had only looked at him with a smile on her face. They had played a game of Jaipur, Robert won easily. Cora knew she wasn’t good at that game, but she wanted Robert to win.

“You lay down already, I am coming.” He said to Cora. Cora had served strawberries with whipped cream for dessert after dinner. There was still some cream left and he knew exactly what he wanted to do with it…

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 5

Cora woke up from the sun hitting her eyes. Robert was still fast asleep.

They arrived in the hotel yesterday evening. Robert had booked the Barcelona Suite in the Mandarin Oriental Barcelona; he was quite upset when he couldn’t book the penthouse. He had said that only the best was good enough for his Cora. But Cora was living her best life, this suite was enormous. Outside on the terrace there was a hot tub, the bathtub inside gave a perfect view over the city, and they had a private butler.

Something Robert wanted at home, but Cora wasn’t having it. A cleaner in their home was enough, she didn’t need anyone to bring her coffee. Violet had recently hired a butler, and since then Robert was talking about it.

Cora got up and started the day with a hot bath, she was feeling nauseous  and hoped it would help. She would go and play tourist today, as Robert was busy with the new office here in Barcelona. At the end of the week the opening would take place, and there would be a big party. She was looking forward to it, Robert had bought her a beautiful pink dress and for himself he bought a new tuxedo.

When she got out of the tub, a wave of nausea hit her again. She threw up everything that was inside her. It had woken up Robert and he rushed to the bathroom. He was holding up her hair and rubbing her back.

“Did you eat something bad, dear?”

Cora just shook her head, unable to speak when a new wave hit her. She felt like she was puking her brains out.


The butler had brought breakfast, for Cora just some light toast. She was feeling better and during the day she felt normal again. She had texted Robert, she was ok and send him a selfie with Park Güell in the background.

She called Rosamund to check on Mary. It was their first holiday since Mary was born. Cora would have loved to bring Mary, but that wouldn’t be sensible with the events they had to attend. And having time together with Robert was precious.

Robert was straightening his jacket and looked at Cora. She was stunning in this bright pink dress. The neckline was low and showed of the brim of her breast. Cora was glowing, her hair touching her shoulder, it had a little curl in it. He was happy Cora was feeling better in the evening because each morning started with her throwing up.

He walked over to Cora and put a beautiful necklace on her. She touched it with her hands and looked at him through the mirror. “Thank you darling, this is beautiful.”

“Only the best for my wife. Are you ready?”

Cora took his hand and gave him a quick kiss.


The evening had been a success, Cora had brought her camera to capture the event. She was in her element, taking pictures of everything. Once she had the pictures they needed for the website and social media, she shifted her attention to Robert. He looked incredibly handsome, his dark hair, short and slightly curly. His cheekbones strong and his jawline was just perfect. His upper body always straight. He looked so fine in his new tuxedo. She couldn’t wait to be back in the hotel room.

She started photographing some scenery shots outside, she needed to contain herself, otherwise she would rip Robert’s clothes of in the middle of this room. While she was making the pictures, she felt a hand on her hip, it wasn’t Robert’s, the hand was too small.

“Good to see you again.” A familiar voice said.

Cora froze, it was Simon. The slight creepy sound in his voice, gave Cora goosebumps. She pushed his hand away, turned around and said: “Hello Simon, what are you doing here?” Cora tried to keep her voice steady, but she was shaking from the inside.

Simon cornered her. “I am working with a Spanish artist and when I saw the announcement of this event, I needed to come. I wanted to see you. I thought you could use some attention, as your husband isn’t giving you any.” He pressed Cora’s hands against the wall. He came closer.

Cora could feel his breath.” Simon, you need to let me go.”

“Not before I show you what you have been missing.” His hand grabbed between her legs, and he tried to press his lips on Cora’s. But before he could touch them, he was pulled backwards very abruptly.

Cora saw Robert standing there with Simon’s collar in his hands. He had pushed him against the pilar next to them. He raised his fist, but Cora grabbed it. “Robert, he isn’t worth it. Please let him go.”

“You see, your wife doesn’t mind, she wants to know what I can offer.”

Cora felt her own hand slapping Simon’s cheek. “You bastard.” She exclaimed. “Why do you think, I would want something from you. From the moment we met, you never showed any interest in me, except for my body. You will leave this instant, if not, I will call the cops on you and make a sexual abuse claim. Never show your face near me again. I will ruin your life, I swear.” Cora was steaming with rage.

Simon left like a dog with his tail between his legs.

Robert looked at Cora and wanted to hug her. But she straightened her back and said: “We should go back inside; your guests are waiting.” She walked back in.


Back in the hotel Cora slipped on her nightgown and got in bed. Robert wasn’t sure if they needed to talk or not. He decided to leave it to Cora and got in bed on his side. Cora was laying on her side with her light out. After a while Robert felt the bed move from her little shakes.

He moved his body and pulled her close. Her head resting on his upper arm. “Let it out darling, just let it out.” brushing her hair and arm.

“Oh Robert, how could he!” Cora sniffed. “Why was he there, why did he feel the need to touch me? What did I do to give him the idea I am willing?”

Robert kissed her hair: “Hush sweetheart, you didn’t do anything. Men like Simon always find ways to do what they want to do. I wish I had spotted him earlier. When I saw him go outside, I knew enough. I hope he didn’t get the chance to really do you harm?”

“No, he didn’t, he only touched me.”

“That’s already too much. He shouldn’t touch you at all. I am sorry, I wasn’t there to keep you two safe.” His hand lowered to her abdomen.

Cora turned around in surprise. “How did you know? I am not sure myself. I was planning on a doctor’s visit when we are back home.”

“Princess, you are having morning sickness for this whole week now. I don’t think we need a doctor’s visit, to know that you are pregnant.”

“It is so soon, Mary is just 7 months old, I was finally starting to feel like myself again. I am happy, but it is really unexpected.”

“Having them close in age will make their bond stronger, and I love seeing you pregnant. You are a beautiful woman and being pregnant you just glow.”

Cora snuck even closer to Robert; her hands played with his chest hair. “Maybe this time we will get a baby boy.”

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 4

A couple of days went by, Robert and Cora only exchanged words when needed. Robert was sleeping in the guest’s bedroom, he finally put together the bed in there. That was the only good thing about their fight.

Robert had hired a cleaning lady, and Cora was adapting to this change. It was hard to have someone in her home, while she also was home. But Robert thought it was best, and she followed, not wanting to make him angrier.

It was Saturday and Cora sat silently next to Robert in their car, Mary making sounds in her car seat. It was time for their weekly lunch at Violet’s. Cora was dreading every minute. What had Robert told his mother? Rosamund was also invited. Cora would have someone to talk to, as Robert was still not speaking with her.

Lunch had been awkward, of course Violet had noticed something was wrong. She wasn’t saying anything, not yet, Cora thought. Mary was starting to fuss in her stroller. Cora got up from the table: “I need to feed Mary, can I use the sitting room?”

“You better use the library.” Rosamund said, and got up. “I’m coming with you.” Meanwhile giving Robert a meaningful look.


“Cora, is everything alright between you and Robert?”

Cora looked up: “not really, we had a fight a couple of days ago and since then Robert isn’t talking to me.”

“Robert did tell me about it. But I wasn’t aware, he was still mad at you. He can be so hard-headed sometimes.” Rosamund sighed.

“Rosamund, I never said anything insulting about your mother, it is just, sometimes she is too much. I can’t do anything right and I feel so pressed by her. I want to be a good wife for Robert, a good mother to Mary and a good daughter-in-law for your mother. But recently I seem to fail at all three.”

“According to that content baby in your arms, you aren’t failing. Robert needs to grow up and see that his mother has her faults, and till now you made him very happy. You two just need to adjust to this new chapter of your live. But mostly I think, you need to have something to keep you busy. Being a full-time mum is fun, but not forever.”

Cora caressed Mary’s back: “I know you are right, I need something, I loved working, but after that full-time photography study and having Mary, I didn’t get the chance to look for something. And honestly, I wouldn’t know where to start.”

“I can help you with it.” Rosamund said enthusiastic. “We want to add a new service to our company: a professional photographer, who can make pictures for websites and brochures. For example, there is a big furniture company who we are working with right now. They need new pictures for their website. You could make them. I already kind of said, we would deliver a photographer.”

“What does Robert think of this idea?” Cora asked insecure.

“He wants to add this service to our company.”

“But he doesn’t know I am the photographer?” Cora raised her eyebrows.

“Not yet, I first wanted to discuss this with you, before talking to Robert. Do you want to do this? You can work part-time, and schedule your own hours”

“I would love this, it’s a longtime dream to work in marketing or advertising.” Cora’s eyes started twinkling again.

“That’s settled then, leave Robert to me, I will talk to him this afternoon. I will ask him to come for dinner tonight.”

“I promised my mother to eat at her place tonight, so I can’t be there.” Cora murmured.

“Even better, Marmaduke and I can work on Robert. Leave my silly brother to me.” Rosamund took Mary, from Cora’s arms. She cuddled the little girl and said: “And don’t you worry about not being a good mother, because you are!”


“Robert, why aren’t you speaking with Cora?”

He sighed:” Can we not talk about that, please? When are you going to France?”

“Don’t change the subject!” Violet sneered.

“Mama, I am not going to discuss this with you. It is between me and Cora. We will figure this out, but you need to stay out of it.”

“Is Cora giving up on her duties? She needs to grab herself together. Just get her to bottle feed Mary, and please let her hire a nanny!”

“Mama!” Robert huffed. “We are adults, we can raise Mary in our own way. What was good back when Rosamund and I were children, isn’t necessarily good for our child!” Robert noticed he was defending Cora. Was Cora right? Was mama to much?

They got interrupted by Rosamund and Cora, who walked back in the sitting room. “Robert, Cora told me she is going for dinner at her mother’s, do you want to come home with me for dinner?” Rosamund said.

“I am not invited?” Violet asked surprised.

“You got that right, mama. I want to have dinner with just my brother. Like before, we always had lunch dates and I miss that.” Rosamund needed an excuse, but she really felt this way. She gave Cora’s hand a quick squeeze.

“I see you tonight, Robert.” Cora got her bag and walked out with Mary.


When Cora came home after the dinner at her mother’s house, the house was dark and silent. She looked at her watch, it was just ten o’clock. She carefully laid Mary in her crib. She was so happy to have this stroller, Robert had laughed when she wanted this one, he had said: just because it is the most expensive one, that doesn’t mean it is the best. But it was the best Cora thought. The cradle was like a bed, so she could easily let Mary sleep in there when needed.

Cora got in the bedroom and heard the soft breathing sounds of Robert. It was soothing to hear him; it was the first night he was back in their bedroom. She undressed in the bathroom, tried not to make a sound and got in the bed.

After a while she heard: “Are you awake?” And she felt Robert move.

“I am.”

Robert turned on his bedside light: “I think it is time we talk, but first I need to apologize. The way I reacted was way out of line. This afternoon at my mother’s I realized how she is judging you. And I am sorry, I didn’t want to see that.”

Cora breathed in, surprised. She didn’t know what to say.

“I can’t wait to see you at work.” He grinned.

“Are you sure? Do you really want me to work for you?”

Robert leaned over to kiss Cora: “You aren’t working for me, but with me.”

Cora wrapped her arms around him. “You can’t believe how happy you make me right now; you are really sure?”

“I acted like a real jerk last week, and I am sorry if I hurt you. I didn’t mean to say that my mother was right. But I got defensive of her, I can’t explain.”

“Robert, she is your mother, I understand. I also shut you out. I should have said something earlier. I was really burning up inside but wasn’t sure how to tell you. I didn’t want to disappoint you and….”

Robert planted his lips on hers to silence her, Cora answered passionately. He moaned: “oh God how I missed you.” He was feeling her body with his hands. “Are you ready for me?” He asked eager.

Cora answered by pulling Robert closer. He was sitting on top of her, pressing her thighs with his, and he was playing with her breasts. “Since you gave birth, you are even more beautiful.” He gulped.

Cora’s hands were resting on Robert’s hips, he hadn’t work out for a while now, and she could feel he was getting a little chubby, but she liked that very much. She moved her hands to his chest and played with his chest hair, moved one hand to the back of his head and pulled him closer. “I want to feel you.” She whispered in his ear.

Robert didn’t need more. He moved his body, and carefully entered Cora. It was a long time ago they had shared this much passion.

Finally they fell asleep in each other’s arms, and it was the first night Mary slept through it.


Cora woke up from the little cries of Mary. She tried to get up, but Robert was laying on her hair and his leg was wrapped around hers. Carefully she pulled her hair underneath him and gave him a soft kiss. He woke up instantly and took her head in his hands to kiss her back.

“Robert, I would love to go on where we left yesterday, but Mary is crying, I need to feed her.”

Before she could get up, Robert was standing beside the bed. “I will get her; you can stay in bed.”

Robert sat a while and looked at Cora feeding Mary, it was mesmerizing. Mary was growing so fast, she wasn’t the breakable baby anymore for some time now. She got chubby legs and arms, and her dark brown eyes were looking into the world with great interest. He was amazed when he saw her brown eyes. He didn’t know that was possible, because both he and Cora had blue eyes.

Robert had made a quick breakfast and served it to Cora in bed. He had got back in, it was Sunday morning and they did not have plans for this day. Mary was laying in between them, and he was making her laugh. He couldn’t wait to see her grow.

Follow your heart or family, part two, chapter 3

When Cora and Robert went to pick up Mary, Martha gave Cora a look of concern.

“My, my, you look tired my dear. Are you sleeping?”

Cora had to admit, she wasn’t, Mary wasn’t sleeping through the night and Cora didn’t want to wake up Robert, he needed to go to work every day.“ I will be alright mama, Robert and I just decided we will hire a cleaner, so I can take a nap when Mary is napping and……”

“You should stop going for lunch at your mother-in-law’s every day.” Martha interrupted her.

“Mother!” Cora exclaimed and gave a quick look at Robert. He was engaging with Mary, but turned around and said:

“Darling, you know your mother is right.” Meanwhile making Mary laugh.

Cora melted with love for him, he was such an amazing father. “Mama, we will talk to Violet, and I will stop going there every day. But I also think I need to start working again, I miss being busy.”

“Harold hired a new assistant, but we can fire her?”

“No, no, I don’t want my old job back, I want something more creative. I will just keep looking. But we also need to figure out how it will work out with Mary, I don’t want to leave her a whole day, and I’m still breastfeeding her”

“Darling, you are asking too much of yourself, Mary is 6 months now, you can easily switch to formula. Today I gave her formula, and she took it very well.”

Cora sighed, why didn’t Robert bring her pumped breastmilk this morning, she knew she needed to start with formula, so Robert could also feed Mary. But it wasn’t easy. She wanted to proof to Violet, she was a good mother. Every day, Violet had made comments about how she was dealing with Mary. She should lay her in her crib more, but Cora wanted to keep her close. Mary was the easiest to handle when she was in the sling and Cora loved having her little body close to her.

“Dearest?” Robert had laid his hand on her shoulder.

She shook up from her thoughts and saw her mother feeding Mary. “Sorry, what did you aks?”

“You were miles away; you want to share your thoughts?”

“Not now, sweetheart.”

Robert sighed annoyed.

Martha watched them and said: “You both can leave Mary here overnight, so you two can have a good night’s rest, talk with each other and just be together.”

Relented Cora agreed, Cora was scared to leave her little one behind, it would be her first night without Mary.


Back home Cora had started dinner. Robert was sitting at the dinner table reading a magazine. After a while he put his magazine down and said: “We need to talk.”

Cora turned her head around with a question on her face. “What’s wrong, Robert?”

“Everything is wrong with you, but you aren’t including me in your troubles. Yesterday you broke down out of nowhere. If you are not talking to me, I don’t know how to help you.”

Cora lowered her eyes; she knew she was shutting Robert out. But she didn’t want to speak bad about his mother. “Can we first eat our dinner and then talk?”

“We can eat and talk at the same time. I will set the table.”

Cora took a deep breath when she set down opposite of Robert.

“You are overly tired, I noticed that a few weeks ago, but you said you were alright, but clearly you aren’t alright. Can you engage me in what’s going on?”

“Robert, I don’t know how to tell you this,” Cora started. “Your mother is criticising every step I make. At first breastfeeding Mary was wrong, but now I am not allowed to stop. I love carrying Mary in the sling, and Mary is also loving it, but your mother doesn’t agree. I went to baby swimming, but according to your mother that’s bad for Mary’s health. And I can name you a dozen other examples. I know you adore your mother, and I am starting to get accustomed to her, but I can’t take all this criticism. And I miss being busy, doing important things, I love taking care of Mary, but I need to do more. All these broken nights are breaking me up, I can’t seem to rest enough.”

“So, my mother is the problem here?” Robert said abruptly

“That’s not what I am saying, it is everything together. Your mother, Mary not sleeping and just me, my hormones playing games with me.”

“But my mother is part of the problem, maybe we should just tell her to leave us alone. She isn’t allowed to see Mary anymore; would that help you?”

“Robert! I never meant that. I didn’t say (that)!?”

“My mother is clearly the problem, your own mother, is saying you need to stop breastfeeding, and is giving Mary formula and you are ok with it, but when my mother says it, she is criticising you!” Robert said in a raised voice.

“My mother gave Mary formula just because you didn’t bring my pumped milk! Was she to let Mary starve?”

“Of course, now blame me. My mother only wants the best for Mary, she is her first grandchild, of course she is interfering, she is Mary’s granny.”

“You know your mother never really approved of me, and now she finally has something to beat me with, and she is using it to her full power, you just don’t want to see, because she is your mother!” Cora spitted

“Maybe, my mother was right!”

Cora just looked at Robert with disbelief, tears started welling up in her eyes. She batted them away. Got up, threw her plate in the sink, walked to the bedroom, and smashed the door shut.

She sat on the bed, her breasts were hurting, she needed to pump, Mary wasn’t here to drink, but she wasn’t going back to the kitchen right now to get the machine. She decided to take a bath, maybe it would sooth the pain, not only from her breast, but mostly from Robert’s harsh words.


Robert cleared the table, steaming with rage. He was angry, why was Cora so stubborn, his mother was the way she was. Cora needed to learn to accept it. He filled the dishwasher and cleaned the countertop, he saw the breast pump machine and knew Cora would need it. But he wasn’t going to say anything to her.

He opened the bedroom door, to his relief, Cora was in the bathroom, so he put the machine on their bed. Picked up his pillow and duvet, so he could sleep on the sofa.

He opened his laptop; he could use this evening to catch up from what he didn’t do today. It made him even more angry, Cora wasn’t appreciative, he took a day off. After a few minutes, he said to himself: No, that’s not fair, she did thank him this afternoon.

Abbey Advertisements was working to open an office in Barcelona, he was having advanced plans, they started hiring people, and tomorrow he would know if the building they wanted was available. He worked very late that night. He couldn’t catch real sleep, the sofa wasn’t the most comfortable one to sleep on. But he refused to go back to the bedroom.


Cora was relieved when she saw the machine on their bed. But when she noticed Robert’s bedding was gone, she felt sad and angry at the same time.

She had slept restlessly, waking up a lot. She heard Mary crying, but once she got out of bed, she realised, Mary wasn’t home. She could use Robert’s warm body, but he was clearly not coming to their bedroom.

The next morning, she woke up very early. Robert was still asleep on the couch, with his laptop open next to him. He had worked very late, she thought.

She started on breakfast, normally Robert just eats some cottage cheese, but she decided on a Full English breakfast.


The smell of bacon and sausages woke Robert up. He got up, stiff from the couch and looked into the kitchen. He saw Cora busy at the stove. Walked to the bathroom, made himself ready for the day. He packed his laptop in his bag and said: “I am off to work. I will see you tonight.” And walked out of the door.

Leaving Cora too stunned to say anything, standing with the bacon pan in her hands.


Martha opened the door: “Cora, my girl, you look even worse.”

Cora clamped herself against her mother and let out all her tears. She was tired, and on the brink of an emotional meltdown.

“Hush, darling, it will be alright, just cry for now.”

In the other room, Mary started crying, and Cora’s breasts reacted on her little girl, they started to leak. Martha let her go, to get Mary.

While Cora was feeding Mary, she told what happened between her and Robert.

“Darling, Robert is also battling with his emotions. He is seeing you in a way he has never seen you. And you are criticising his mother.”

“Mum, I am not, she is criticising me, I am clearly not good enough, and now he has proof. I am not good enough. I give birth and turn into an emotional train wreck.


Rosamund saw Robert enter the building. On his face was thunder. Something was wrong.

“Morning, Robert, you are early.” She welcomed him.

“I am,” He pouted.

Rosamund decided to leave him be until lunch, but then she was going to have a talk.

“Do you want a sandwich? And do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”

Robert told what happened and how Cora was pushing their mother out.

“Are you sure, she is pushing mama out? Or is she just claiming her own space? You know Mary is your daughter, not mama’s. You two decide how you are going to raise her. Mama can give advice from time to time, when asked. But Cora is feeling threatened by her. But you also said, Cora wanted to start working again?

“Indeed, she mentioned that yesterday, but I don’t know what she wants. She said she didn’t want to work for Harold again. She wants something more interesting and creative.”

Rosamund hummed: “Let me think about this.”