Drabble: I like to treat you

A spicy drabble.


Cora was waiting in the bed for Robert to finish in the bathroom. They had a magical afternoon spend at the beach. Cora had wished the whole time to get rid of her clothes. There were to many layers to genuinely enjoy the beach. But now she was finally undressed, she had only the thin layer of her nightdress on her body. Baxter had seemed worried that she was wearing this thin fabric, but Cora could not tell her, that is would not be on her for a long time. Even though Baxter probably knew exactly about the relationship she had with Robert.

Finally, the bathroom door opened, and Robert appeared, he was wrapped up in his thick housecoat, his feet where in his woolie slippers. Cora chuckled, the difference between them right now was night and day. She had to admit that she was a bit cold, but he would warm her up soon enough. She got chills thinking of what he would do to her once he came to bed.

“You are cold?” Robert asked, while he stepped closer to the bed.

“A little bit.” Cora admitted.

Robert opened his mouth to reply when Cora saw he was properly looking at her. He paused and then proceeded. “I think I can change that.”

“Can you?” Cora asked with her voice soft and coy.

Robert threw his housecoat on the chair next to the bed and slid under the covers. Cora stayed on her side, waiting for what his next step would be. He laid down on his back after adjusting the pillows and raised his arm. “Come close, so I can warm you.”

“Oh?” Cora said disappointed, although she did as he asked and scooted closer. She wrapped her arm over his stomach and laid her head on his chest. Robert’s arm wrapped around her shoulder, his thumb brushed her skin, where the sleeve slid open. He got up a little and leaned over, he tugged in the duvet a bit more.

“You feel really cold, why do you not change into something warmer?” Robert said, while he laid back down, pulling Cora closer to his chest.

“Well, there is another way to warm me up again.” Cora angled her face up to see Robert’s reaction.

Robert looked at the fireplace and he slowly got up. Pulling his arm from underneath Cora. “I will light up the fire a bit more, that will bring more warmth.”

Cora moaned when his warm body left her again, why was het not reacting on her seduction. She saw him standing in front of the fireplace and she could feel heat shoot through her body. She wanted to touch him everywhere. His tall posture and strong back were incredibly attractive. She surprised herself with the feelings that shot through her body, it had been a long time ago she felt this way. It was stronger than just her thinking about treating Robert, it was a deep longing to truly feel him.

Robert turned around and looked at her, she saw his eyes glistering in the light from the fire.

“Please come back to bed.” Cora said with her voice low.

“I should get you something warmer to put on.” He started to walk towards her suitcase.

“As I said, there is another way you could warm me up.” Cora tried, with a seductive tone in her voice. She saw Robert’s head shot her way. He slowly walked back to the bed, he got back in on his knees and leaned towards her. His hand softly brushing over her arm.

“And what way did you have in mind?” He said with his voice low in his chest. His thumb was still brushing over her arm.

“This is a good start.” Cora answered, looking up at him. She reached her hand out and with the tip of her fingers, she touched his cheek. Her hand moved over his cheek to his neck, and she pulled him closer.

Robert came closer but kept a distance between them. His other hand was now moving over her hip towards her shoulder. She shivered unvoluntary and Robert paused his movements to look at her. “This fabric could be the reason you are cold.” He slid his fingers over the silky fabric of her nightdress. He got up a bit and changed his posture, so he was sitting over her legs. His fingers moved over her core, what made her core pull tight. Both his hands moved down to find the hem of the little dress; agonising slow he pulled it upwards. Cora lifted her hips so he could slide the dress even further up. Once he reached her upper body, he stopped and let his fingers go over her bare skin. She could feel him following her ribcage. He bent down and kissed her skin, just under her breasts. His big hands resting on her sides, the warmth of his skin was both comforting and arousing at the same time. She moved her hands to his chest and started to unbutton his top shirt.

He took her dress in between his fingers and pulled it up over her breasts, she felt the fabric getting stuck, but Robert kept pulling and when finally, the fabric went over them, her breasts bounced back. Robert chuckled loudly; he licked his lips. Robert alternated between his tongue and fingers while playing with her breasts. Her night dress was slowly sliding down she felt, but her hands were too busy helping Robert out of his shirt. It took her some effort since Robert kept his hands on her body.

Suddenly Robert pulled her dress up, forcing Cora to lift her arms. Once the dress was over her face, Robert crashed his mouth on hers. She eagerly answered, slightly parting her lips so he could discover her mouth.

Robert lifted her hips and slid her down the matrass, this was such a surprise that Cora let out a high-pitched squeal.

She tried to pull down his pants, but due to his posture, she could not get the waistband over his hips. she moaned tauntingly. She needed to take over, she wanted to treat Robert, now he was treating her. Not that she was complaining, she had been deprived from this feeling for such a long time. But she knew Robert needed some special treatment too. “Robert.” She managed to say.

His answer on his name was more kisses on her belly, her hands went to his hair. She loved brushing through his locks with her fingers. “Robert.” She tried again, but again he responded with more kisses on her skin. She loved this feeling, his soft lips, and strong hands everywhere. He was spoiling her with the caressing of her skin. When his hand went to her core, she put his hand on his hand to stop him.

Robert looked at her with a surprised and scared look. “To much?” he instantly backed away.

Cora wrapped her arms firmer around him and pulled him back. “No, no.”

He still looked at her puzzled, Cora felt guilty. “Oh darling, nothing is wrong. Please, I just want to treat you. And now you are pleasing me.”

Robert got up a bit more and he caressed her cheek. “My darling Cora, you do not understand how much it means to me that I can cherish your body again. That is an even better feeling than anything you could do to me.”

Cora chuckled. “You want to bet?” She pushed on his shoulders, so he had to lay back down on his back. Cora quickly sat on top of him and pinned him down. Her hands firmly on his chest. She brushed with her fingers over his skin. With her tongue she followed his jaw line and softly kissed his skin. She felt his hands going up to the small of her back. She continued the caressing of his skin, making sure she did not miss one spot. She felt him grow underneath her and pressed her core down on him, it made him moan deep in his throat.

“Oh Cora.”

She moved with her hips so his manhood touched her core, she teased him as long as she could.

“I want you.”

Her hand now moved down, and she cupped him, making him moan again.

“Please, allow me.”

She bent down and kissed his earlobe. “Allow you what?” She whispered in his ear.

“Let me feel you.”

She now bit his earlobe. “You are feeling me already.” Her lips curled up in a smile, while her hands kept roaming over his skin.

“I need to feel you around me, oh Cora.”

Slowly she moved with her hips back and forth. But deliberately moving around him.

Suddenly Robert’s hands were on her hips, keeping her still. She looked down into his eyes and saw his desire. “I want you too.” She smiled at him. She shifted again but this time she made sure he could enter her. She growled when he entered, her body shuddered. She had missed this feeling, the feeling of him deep inside her. Being truly connected with him.

Robert pushed her off him and she looked at him bewildered and confused. But before she could say something, he turned her around and laid back on top of her. He moved himself so he could enter again. “This is easier for you.” He said very softly, while he trusted in her.


Softly she brushed over his chest and pressed soft kisses on his ribcage. “This was magical darling.” She said while pressing herself firmly against him.

They had laid back down, Robert pulled up the covers again. “Are you warm enough?”

“With you against me, I will always be.”

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