Drabble – Can’t we stop this beastly row?

“Your enthusiasm is getting the

better of your manners.” Isobel said to Violet. 

The conversation was going in the wrong direction, Robert felt awful. He felt his stomach turn and turn. “Can’t we stop this beastly row?” He was not sure how much longer he could sit at this table.

“How I wish we could.” Cora felt embarrassed that they were having this discussion. The minister was used as a rope to pull on. What was happening now was exactly what she feared. She gave Neville Chamberlain an apologetic look.

“Because I…” Robert got up.

Cora looked at him with bewildered eyes, what was he doing? Why was he getting up? He looked terrible she thought. His face was white as the linen on the table. He looked like he was going to vomit, she thought.

Robert knew he needed to get away from the table. His stomach made a horrible twist. “I… I’m so sorry…” He could not walk away on time, and he spewed blood all over the table.

Cora’s shock grew, and she stared at what was happening in front of her eyes. She could not believe her eyes. The white linen in front of her turned red and Robert made the most horrible sound she had ever heard. He leaned back and spewed again, this time it hit her in the face. The moment the blood hit her, she got out of her trance and shot up. She rushed around the table to get to him. She needed to get to Robert. She could not lose him, not yet. Why was this table so big?

“Thomas, on his left side.” Dr. Clarkson shouted his orders.

Robert got turned on his side, he was in too much shock to realise what was happening. He had just coughed up blood all over Cora, that was what he knew. He heard a lot of commotion around him. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach, it felt like something inside him had ruptured.

“Give me napkins!” It was Isobel who sprang into action and tried to help with this situation, while Mary, Edith, and Violet al watched in shock, frozen in time.

“I’ll call the ambulance.” Carson rushed out the dining room.

“Keep him warm.” Lord Merton took of his coat and handed it to Thomas. “Take my coat.” He said.

“What is it?” Violet said in panic.

Dr. Clarkson answered. “His ulcer has burst.”

Cora had finally reached the other side of the table and she kneeled down next to Robert. Trying to get closer to him. It felt like hours had already gone by, before she was next to him, she thought. She put her hand under Robert’s head, and leaned forward so she was in his vision.

“What?” Mary gasped.

“Will he be all right?” Edith asked.

Cora took the napkins Isobel handed to her and held them under Robert’s face. Making sure Robert knew she was next to him. He needed to know she was there, she thought.

“We must get him to hospital as quickly as we can.” Dr. Clarkson said.

Robert felt more blood coming up and he spewed again. He noticed Cora’s hand trying to catch it with a napkin. Her other hand was holding up his head. The love of his life was next to him, he hated to be this vulnerable in front of her and everybody else.

“I’m here, darling, don’t worry.” Cora said, trying to keep her voice calm and collective. Internally she was running on stress, but she needed to stay calm for Robert. She made sure her hand was under his head, so he did not have to hold it up himself.

“If this is it” Robert panted. “Just know I have loved you very, very much.” His stomach did hurt immensely, and it felt as he was dying. The taste of blood in his mouth and throat was horrible. If this was the last time he could look Cora in the eye, he needed to make sure she knew how much she meant to him. She was his everything, his base in life.

Cora got scared by Robert’s words. But she kept her calm and said: “This isn’t it, darling. We

won’t let this be it.” Her voice was steady, she did not know how she did it. But she saw the plead in Robert’s eyes. She needed to be his rock once more, and if this was the last time, she could be that for him. She would, she would not butch, she would stay strong until the end. The room around her faded and she was alone with Robert on the ground. vaguely she heard her mother-in-law say.

“Some water?”

“No!” Dr. Clarkson said firm. “No water. Just keep him steady until the ambulance arrives.”

Cora could only look at Robert. He was squirming on the ground, he must be in so much pain, was the only thing that went through her head. How she wished she could do something, to take away that pain. Her fingers brushing over the back of his head, as if touching him, could make him stay with her. Why was that ambulance taken so long? She could not lose him, as she was his rock, he was hers. He had always been there, he had been her safe haven when she had, had a rough day. After a day of being moulded into the restricted corset life by her mother-in-law, she could crawl into the safe arms of Robert at night. When she did not give him a son, and her mother-in-law blamed her for it, Robert had been her pilar to lean on. The love he showed her and the girls, made all the unpleasant moments with Violet bearable. 

The room around her started to come back, she was aware of all the sounds again. She saw Violet sitting next to her, pale and shocked. Over the years Violet had turned softer, but once again, she had tried to mould the situation to her liking. Was that what had caused Robert’s ulcer burst? The stress around tonight? Should she had given in to her mother-in-law? No, no, she was right in this. The new situation would be better, and they should go on with it. Violet was old fashioned in her views and this time Cora would not butch.

The door opened and Carson rushed in with the paramedics.

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