The truth always comes out, chapter 40

The story is evolving further than I was initially planning, but I am going with the flow. I still am on my way towards the ending that I planned, but as a lot of times with my stories, I do not know what will happen in between. It feels like I am moving towards the end. The reviews and feedback you are all sending me is amazing, and I cannot thank you all enough for it.

2 months had gone by. Robert was working with Matthew. He was a fast student, he had noticed. It was amazing to see how, with much enthusiasm, he started everything. Robert was thankful for Cora. She had made him see what he was doing wrong. And even though after that afternoon at his mother’s he had not seen her. He knew they were at good terms. This gave him a spring in his step. She had accepted his apology.

He was looking at his phone, Tom had called this morning to say that Sybil’s contractions had started. He would call once the baby was born. Sybil was having the baby at home.

Robert gave them a cottage on the estate. Tom and she were still searching for a more permanent place, but Tom was renting a room from a landlady. There was no room for a baby. For now, this was the best way. It was a small house, with two bedrooms. Sybil had turned one of them in an adorable nursery. It made him think back at the time Cora was pregnant with Mary. She had turned one of the rooms into a nursery. But that room had been as big as the whole house of Tom and Sybil were in now. He had always loved living at Downton. It was his third parent and fourth child. But he could see the appeal in a smaller house. It was much cosier than their big rooms. Cora definitely made her own bedroom a sanctuary of peace, and the nurseries were cosy and warm for the girls. But when they went downstairs, they always were surrounded by big empty spaces due to the size of the house.

“Maybe we should call it a day.” Matthew’s voice sounded.

Robert looked up. He had not realised he was daydreaming. “I am not sure what is more nerve-wracking. Seeing your own wife in labour or having to wait and know your daughter is in labour.”

Matthew smiled.

“With your own wife, you at least are present and can hold her hand. Now I have to wait here and cannot do anything.” Robert smiled at Matthew. “One day, you will know what it is like being the helpless man at the bedside. Seeing your wife in so much pain but not able to give her any form of relief. And you know that you are the reason why she is in so much pain.”

He saw a nervous smile on Matthew’s face.

“I am sorry, my dear chap, too much information.”

“I first need to marry your darling daughter Mary before we can even try to come to that stage.”

“Quite right, quite right.” Robert agreed.


“You are doing wonderful, my darling.” Cora had just arrived at their cottage. Tom had asked her to come directly to their house. Sybil had asked for her, he had said. She brushed the hair of Sybil’s forehead. She was in labour for several hours now, and the midwife had said she was eight centimetres dilated. “Just 2 more centimetres, hold on. Breath through them as best as you can.”

Sybil squeezed her mother’s hand when another contraction started. “Thank you for coming.” She said once the pain slipped aside.

“There was not a single moment I thought of not coming. I am your mother and will always be here when you need me. Now, focus on your breathing. In and out, good girl.”

Cora stayed with Sybil until she started pushing. Tom needed to be next to his wife. This was something they should do together. She remembered the birth of her girls and how wonderful it was to share that with Robert. She saw the same proud look now on Tom’s face.

Tom asked if she could keep Robert updated, so she sent him a text message. It was weird after everything that had happened but that afternoon at Violet’s had improved everything. Although after she had gone, she had not seen or spoken to him, she knew the tension between them had gone.

‘Hello Robert, I wanted to let you know that the baby is almost here. I think it is time to come over.’


Robert was extremely nervous. He did not know Cora was already at Sybil’s house. He could have known, of course. Sybil had wanted to have her mother close to her. Something Cora never had, he was convinced that Cora had been hands-on with their girls due to the fact her mother was so far away in America. She could not rely on any advice from her.

He was nervous to see his little girl become a mother herself. Where did the time go. It was like yesterday that she was riding on his back. That he had lifted her up so she could put the carrot in the snowman’s face. That he had sheltered her between Cora and him during a thunderstorm in the middle of the night.

Her little hands on his arm, her big eyes wide from fear, pleading to please sleep in their bed. She had snuggled against her mother as soon as he had lifted her onto the bed. Cora, who had not woken up from the storm, curling up and wrapping Sybil in her arms.

He let out a sigh and opened the door to the small living room. Cora was standing at the sink, filling up the kettle. Robert made a noise, low in his throat. He was not sure why he used that register because he knew Cora went weak on hearing it. Immediately reprimanding himself, he did not want to give her an uncomfortable feeling. He followed with a higher: “Hello”

Cora had put the kettle down and turned it on. On hearing Robert’s low rumble, she had to force herself to keep her back straight. She turned around when he said hello. Cora smiled and stepped closer, with one hand resting on his arm, she kissed his cheek. “Hi.”

Robert said. “Are you as nervous as I am?” He looked up to the ceiling with a worried face.

This question made Cora smile. He had been a ball of nervousness when Mary announced herself. While she was only having mild contractions at that moment, Robert had run around like a chicken without its head. He had calmed down a bit when her contractions got stronger. He had not been better with Edith and Sybil had been the worst. But to be fair, her birth gave him all reason to be nervous.

“She is doing wonderful, it will not be long before Tom will come down I think. You can be proud of your little girl.”

“We can be proud. We have wonderful daughters.”

The sound of a crying baby came from upstairs. Cora smiled at Robert. “Congratulations grandpapa.”

“We are grandparents.” Robert wrapped his arms around her but stepped back as quickly as he had stepped towards her. “Sorry.” He mumbled.

Cora ignored what had happened and walked towards the hallway. Tom appeared at the top of the stairs.

“Come up and meet you granddaughter” he said.


Sybil handed the little baby, wrapped-up in a blanket, to her mother. Cora cradled the bundle against her chest and softly brushed over her forehead and nose. “Welcome to the family little one.” A warm and soft smile lingering on her face.

Robert stepped closer towards Cora, to look at the sweet little baby girl. “What is her name?” He asked.

Tom looked at Sybil: “She will be named Sybil, but we call her Sybbie.”

Robert moved his hand towards the girls hand, her little fingers wrapped around his finger. “Welcome to the family Miss Sybil Branson. Our darling, Sybbie.” He felt nothing then happiness at this moment. Smelling Cora’s sent, being close to her and admiring his brand new granddaughter.

Cora looked at Sybil, who was visibly tired from the birth. She handed Sybbie over to Tom. “You did marvellous, my darling. I am so proud of you. We will let you rest now.” Cora kissed Sybil’s cheek.

Robert followed Cora out of the small bedroom. “When do you need to go back to London?”

His question made Cora realised she had not thought about that. She had left her house the minute Tom called her, but she had not thought about where she would go tonight. She did not want to go back directly. “The pub in the village, has rooms. I can stay there.” She did not know if they had a room available.

Robert weighed his thoughts. “There are enough rooms in the house.” He said unsure.

“I am not sure if I am ready to sleep at Downton already.” She said in all honesty. “But, I promise, if the pub has not a vacancy, I will ask Mrs. Hughes to prepare a room for me.

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